Now you know . You cannot unknow .
I told Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April about
I told Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April about
My body movement speed is not average. It is not
Some call him a kid Others say he is a
I am thinking you will understand more when you see the feeling . The feeling on my side.
Love Not Fear. Henry Frost on Autism Acceptance Two
My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited
Best place for all autistic people, all disabled not disabled people, all families to speak together. Speak together for acceptance, inclusion, communication, and rights for all people. I am thinking when you look closely, this is what autism is.
Know you are not a burden or trouble for being. You are a person who has every right to be. A family that is saying love but saying you are so hard so wrong for not being as they wanted. The family is wrong. Not You. A school segregating is wrong. Not You.There are many if the disability community that are here for you.
"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost
Ask me. Don't prompt me. Talk to me. Don't prompt
Inclusion is not only socially just, but research shows it improves academic outcomes for all students.
Inclusive education conference with keynotes by Lydia Brown, George Sugai, Dan Habib, JoAnne Malloy. Cheryl Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, Henry Frost and many more you will not want to miss!
Autistic people are people. Autistic people are complex. Autistic people
This is part of "Autistic People Should" flash blog.
Wretches & Jabberers | Tracy's Blog The big typing of
These are the top 10, now top 18 things I need for teachers, therapists, doctors, friends and family to know.
Please never refer to my iPad as a toy. It is not. It is my voice. Imagine if you could not speak with your mouth how important your iPad voice would be.
Standing together for inclusion, communication and civil rights. Please include all kids in your classroom.
How do you talk to someone who uses AAC?
Henry Frost had a pretty simple goal: he wanted to go to school like any other kid.
' With a little help from his friends'. Henry's inclusion is truly a group effort led by this determined 13 year old self advocate .
How did we get here? How did we get to a point that our 13 year old son has to fight for the rights that are already his under federal law? How did we get to a place where a pretty reserved kid has the courage, the will, to do this?
Henry Miles Frost and his service dog, Denzel, protest outside
Really, this is number one. Please presume my competence.
#4 Please focus on My Strengths. I have many. We all do.
What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.
Top ten things Autistic student wants teachers, therapists and friends to know about students with special needs... they may be shocking to some of you, but hopefully to most they are exactly what you expect. Here's number 2.
No one wants to be the excluded one, the one to stand alone in silence, the one left out of the conversation. No one wants to be forgotten. So why are some individuals treated this way? Luckily it just takes one person to stand up and include, and the rest will follow. Be that person, take a stand, make a difference.
Inclusion, Martin Luther King, Jr, The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and education.
Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.