Deaf Teen Filmmakers Interpretation of Phillip Phillips’ “Home”
Acceptance, connection, and belonging. Home. Thank you Deaf Film Camp for making such awesome videos!
Acceptance, connection, and belonging. Home. Thank you Deaf Film Camp for making such awesome videos!
I told Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April about
The Real Problem with Special Needs We love this
I spoke at Hillsborough County School District's board meeting on
What is the social model of disability and why is it important ?
Beautiful American Sign Language interpretation of Pharrell Williams's "Happy."
Love this video by Tina and Paul Sirimarco. Tina is
Accessibility is a right not a privilege. 20 posts
Jillian Mercado, the 23 year old model and editor and
This powerful performance by Jamie Sanders, spoken word poet and actor with Tourette's, covers bullying, shame, self-acceptance and empowerment in the best 150 seconds you'll watch this week.
Stella Young of Ramp Up explains the Social Model of
Dillan Barmache, a 14 year old autistic student, delivers his powerful 8th grade commencement speech using his iPad and brings the crowd to their feet.
Dan Habib's Tedx Talk on the importance of inclusion, belonging
by Emily Ladau Have you seen this #DearFutureMom Video? We
We first saw Who Cares About Kelsey ? at the National Center on Inclusive Education’s Summer Institute and instantly connected to the film's message of empowering students.
I am thinking you will understand more when you see the feeling . The feeling on my side.
AAPD's PSA features three real students sharing a simple message: people with disabilities are powerful, self-determined individuals—not victims.
"The research shows that when a child who is not academically gifted is included in a regular school, not only do the academics improve across the school, and I did say that, I didn’t say “in the classroom”, I said “across the school”, not only do the academics improve, but drug use and violence goes down."
“People with disabilities are the largest minority in the world and we are the most under-represented in entertainment.” Maysoon Zayid
A trip to the mall bombards me with unattainable ideals
"One of the treasures of IDEA is that it provides children with disabilities the luxury of just being students. Unfortunately there are still many school districts where students with disabilities are denied their right to an education." Haben Girma
"If we invested a mere one-tenth of the amount of money that we currently pour into causation into empowering Autistic people to communicate, that young man and hundreds of thousands more like him would be able to communicate their needs to us today. I am not here today to speak for every Autistic person – that’s impossible. What I am here for is to argue for every Autistic person to have the same opportunity to communicate that I have come to enjoy thanks to the support that I have been lucky enough to receive in my life." Ari Ne'eman
My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited
"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost
"Polite society often tells us that we need to take the 'dis' out of disability, but maybe... just maybe, we should spend some time putting it back in. Take the "dis" out of disability and you remove the core of what has shaped my life. Disability puts the "D" in diversity, but in order to make that a real difference we've got to own that spot. It took me 35 years to respect and honor that truth. Others shouldn't have to wait that long..." Lawrence Carter-Long
"Disability is not something terrible that needs to be fixed, cured, or made to go away forever. It is a natural part of reality. We ask for acceptance as equal members of society." From the PSA "Your Daily Dosage of Inspiration" by Cheryl Green and Caitlin Wood.
"So let us remember that when we teach, when we educate, we make policy, we make decisions that we do it with a conscience and that we remember that we are leaving fingerprints on forever." Keith Jones
Kelsey Carroll lived with homelessness, self-mutilation, abuse and ADHD. She was a likely high school dropout — until she encountered an education revolution that’s about empowering, not overpowering, teens with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Kelsey’s story, a story of trying to be seen for her potential rather than her past behavior.
Rion Paige blew everyone away at the "X Factor" audition.
Judith Snow, MA is a social innovator and an advocate for Inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. Inclusion is an opportunity for EVERYONE!
"And we’re going to develop leadership, that has a fundamental difference and that is, it's inclusive . It believes in people, and in our strengths together . And we are going to change our society. " Ed Roberts
As a deaf-blind student with very limited sight and hearing, Haben Girma '13 learned that you must be a self-advocate and come up with creative solutions to the problems you face. If that fails, she says, then the law can be a strong ally.