In 2012 Henry faced disability based discrimination when he was denied entry to the middle school across the street from his home. Then 12 year old Henry started “I STAND WITH HENRY” to take action against the segregation and low expectations he encountered and to empower others to stand together and demand full access to equal education in their neighborhoods. Henry’s international social media campaign garnered tens of thousands of supporters and he was allowed entry into his neighborhood school after months of negotiation. Henry went on to excel not only in General Education but it Advanced Honors and Gifted classes.He was the 2013 Recipient of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network's Award for Service to the Self-Advocacy Movement. You can find Henry @istandwithhenry on Facebook and Twitter.
Beautifully said Henry. This is how we treat our 19 year old daughter with autism and how we have asked others to treat her as well. She is nonverbal and does no communicate like you either but we have always believed she understands more than we know. Thank you for communicating what we believe.
Thanks for this blog! You are an inspiration! I have a 10 year old son with autism. We do treat/talk him the same as his brother and as I treat/talk to any other child. Ryan is very smart and we know it so we push him to do his school work even if he doesn’t want to. Makes me happy to read your top ten, at least I know I am trying to do the right things!
Good Luck, Henry! Keep standing up for your rights! You give me hope for my 12 year old son with autism who is still mostly pre-verbal. Right now, he uses a GoTalk20. I can’t wait until he can type, too. :-)
You GO Henry,you are a very strong young man and you are right,everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect,I hope you continue to be strong and let everyone know how you are willing to fight for what is right.
I hope you have a wonderful day,keep up the good work.My job everyday is
Henry you are going to change the world! We have a son who is 8 with asd and a daughter aged 10. It is wonderful to hear from you, you have reached me all the way to Australia and I am sharing your site with my friends. Keep on speaking out and being the difference in this world. sending love Lisa Sam Carina and Luca xxx
September 13, 2012 at 7:53 pm - Reply
Thanks for sharing this, Henry. It is a good reminder for me, as I have a 6 year old daughter with autism. I think as many people as possible need to read your words and *hear* them with a big and open heart.
I loved your video. You brought up a very good point. I hope you keep making videos. You have a lot to say about equal rights that needs to be said and heard! :)
I watched your video yesterday. I am moved by your speaking. You are a great spokesman for many of the non verbal device using awesome people out there. We have much to learn from you. I am glad someone pointed me to your blog!!
Beautifully said Henry. This is how we treat our 19 year old daughter with autism and how we have asked others to treat her as well. She is nonverbal and does no communicate like you either but we have always believed she understands more than we know. Thank you for communicating what we believe.
Thanks for this blog! You are an inspiration! I have a 10 year old son with autism. We do treat/talk him the same as his brother and as I treat/talk to any other child. Ryan is very smart and we know it so we push him to do his school work even if he doesn’t want to. Makes me happy to read your top ten, at least I know I am trying to do the right things!
Thank you so much. You are reaching – and teaching – so many people. Keep it up!
Good Luck, Henry! Keep standing up for your rights! You give me hope for my 12 year old son with autism who is still mostly pre-verbal. Right now, he uses a GoTalk20. I can’t wait until he can type, too. :-)
You GO Henry,you are a very strong young man and you are right,everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect,I hope you continue to be strong and let everyone know how you are willing to fight for what is right.
I hope you have a wonderful day,keep up the good work.My job everyday is
Yes, you do Henry! You matter and you are your own best advocate! Love your video too and posted it on FB.
Henry you are going to change the world! We have a son who is 8 with asd and a daughter aged 10. It is wonderful to hear from you, you have reached me all the way to Australia and I am sharing your site with my friends. Keep on speaking out and being the difference in this world. sending love Lisa Sam Carina and Luca xxx
Thanks for sharing this, Henry. It is a good reminder for me, as I have a 6 year old daughter with autism. I think as many people as possible need to read your words and *hear* them with a big and open heart.
I loved your video. You brought up a very good point. I hope you keep making videos. You have a lot to say about equal rights that needs to be said and heard! :)
This is good, and I wish everyone followed it.
I watched your video yesterday. I am moved by your speaking. You are a great spokesman for many of the non verbal device using awesome people out there. We have much to learn from you. I am glad someone pointed me to your blog!!