Accommodations Make the World a Better Place
The world would be a better place if there were better accommodations for people with disabilities. I think I am day to day improving more in public school than I was in a seclusion school. Having opportunities to learn with everyone could access more opportunities for all. I am Autistic and cannot talk with my voice. I also have a problem with proper movement. However, I am bright. I need someone to help me catch my words to spell on a keyboard. I communicate with my iPad. I also fully attend some regular classes with an aide. I love coming to school. Each day I am coping better to assimilate in the classroom. This is because my teachers help to calm me by trying a sensory diet. Teachers at my school each day help me be part of the larger society. Each day in my class I get to learn interesting lessons and talk with friends with a helper. My favorite thing about Heim is being included with everyone else and being accepted. There are many others with disabilities who are wanting acceptance like me. We can make opportunities for each person by helping to meet their needs to live alongside with regular people. Helping others is really wonderful for creating a society that doesn’t seclude people based on ability. A society works best harnessing each person’s potential to its full capacity. I dream of a world where everyone is treated as an equal member of society. I each day strive to reach my goals. Rallying for Autistics to matter in this world is my calling. I want them to have a voice like me. This will happen only with people willing to accommodate us. Life is a game that is a lot more fun when each person gets to play.
Read more from Philip on Faith, Hope, and Love…With Autism
Faith, Hope, and Love…With Autism: Accommodations Make the World a Better Place.
We learn so much from others if we just take the time to listen.
This breaks my heart.