Think Tank2019-07-06T15:47:54-04:00

Change Leaders in the Disability Community

working  to ensure access and equality for every human.

We all have the power to create change and make the world a better place.

Here’s to the Change Leaders- folks out there blazing a trail for the rest of us. They’re the Einsteins, the Ed Roberts, the Justin Darts, the Martin Luther Kings, and Helen Kellers of our generation. You’ve probably heard of most of them, and if you haven’t, you will.

Each of us has the power to create real change and make the world a better place, we just have to roll up our sleeves and do it. Our hope is that getting a glimpse into the lives of people out there making a difference will inspire you to do the same.

If you’re motivated by something these Change Leaders in the disability community have done – go do something. Anything. A big act or a small act, but do something. Let us know what you’re up to and we’ll shout from the rooftops.

Because I Stood With Henry

Because I stood with Henry I am happier today and you should too. Henry not only got his rights, he proved that presumption of competence should be the default for every student.

The Importance of Supports

"If we invested a mere one-tenth of the amount of money that we currently pour into causation into empowering Autistic people to communicate, that young man and hundreds of thousands more like him would be able to communicate their needs to us today. I am not here today to speak for every Autistic person – that’s impossible. What I am here for is to argue for every Autistic person to have the same opportunity to communicate that I have come to enjoy thanks to the support that I have been lucky enough to receive in my life." Ari Ne'eman

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