• Two Person Tail Intrusion, Art by Judy Endow. Back of child in red dress, child in pink dress and child in yellow shirt standing on earth with sky and sun sparkles.

The Advantage of Autistic Difference in Visual Perception

Autistic writer, artist and consultant, Judy Endow on autistic difference in visual perception. As a child, people sometimes thought I was stubborn and resistant when I did not want to allow them into my space or to do what they wanted me to do. They did not understand the negative effect they had on me and on my surroundings, and at the time, I did not have the words to explain it. Sensory Information and Perceptions Today I have the words and can explain. I do so in hopes that it might help others who may not yet have their

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Teaching Abstract Concepts to Literal Thinkers

Autistic consultant Judy Endow's strategies for teaching abstract concepts to literal thinkers. Teaching Abstract Concepts to Literal Thinkers During the holiday season people are sometimes rushed and frazzled due to the extra activities and expectations of the season. Thus, it is a particularly good time to talk about kindness. Many individuals with autism are literal and concrete thinkers, which can make teaching an abstract concept such as kindness a little tricky. Here are some ways to work with an autistic neurology when teaching the concept of kindness: Identify Acts of Kindness Even though kindness is an abstract concept we can

By |December 7th, 2016|Categories: Autism, blog, Judy Endow|Tags: , , |0 Comments
  • Visually defining space and marking belongings can go a long way in helping your child make sense of the confusion, chaos and change that comes with picking up the pieces after a natural disaster. Judy Endow on Ollibean

Providing Sameness and Routine While Living in Unfamiliar Surroundings

Judy Endow's  Strategies for Providing Sameness and Routine Many children with special needs thrive in an environment with a high degree of predictability, sameness and routine. In the aftermath of a natural disaster life is anything but what our kids need to succeed. Often entire families, neighborhoods or communities are in the flux of confusion, chaos and change and will be for quite some time to come. Putting sameness and routine back into your child’s life as quickly as possible will be helpful. How can you do that when you have no idea what life will hold for you and your

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Autism and Movement Fluidity in Thinking

Autism and Movement Fluidity in Thinking by Judy Endow Unreliable Fluidity in Thinking One of the hardest things about my autism is the unreliable fluidity of my own thinking. Sometimes my thoughts are fluid and sometimes they are not. When my thoughts are fluid I can easily think through task-oriented things such as making a meal, writing an article, or cleaning the house. I can make a mental (or written) list and follow it. I can think of a main idea and sub topics. I can gather supplies and start. When my thoughts are not fluid life is a bit different.

  • It's A Holiday, So Let's Celebrate

Autism and Holiday Schedules

Autism and Holiday Schedules by Judy Endow As an autistic getting through the holiday time can be quite tricky. As an autistic parent with children who had different needs it was even trickier. Routine and structure can go a long way! They anchor the days that can otherwise be perceived by an autism neurology as totally chaotic, which in turn, often leads to being overwhelmed and experiencing meltdowns.   1.  Start by creating a visual schedule. You can simply use paper and pencil or use an iPad or computer to make your visual schedule. Words can

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