
Challenge the Paradigm

We believe relationships are built on respect, love, and acceptance. We reject the tragedy-burden-needs-to-be-fixed & the hero-saint-special narratives about disability that permeate our culture .

This Is Autism by Henry Frost

Best place for all autistic people, all disabled not disabled people, all families to speak together. Speak together for acceptance, inclusion, communication, and rights for all people. I am thinking when you look closely, this is what autism is.

You are not wrong.

Know you are not a burden or trouble for being. You are a person who has every right to be. A family that is saying love but saying you are so hard so wrong for not being as they wanted. The family is wrong. Not You. A school segregating is wrong. Not You.There are many if the disability community that are here for you.

We’re So Glad You’re Here!

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