Our three week ” Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip”  has begun. We will be in Syracuse for Henry to work with some amazing people and hang out with friends from ICI , then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute for more of the same.


South Carolina Welcomes You road side sign, woman, boy and dog stand underneath

Our first overnight stop was  in Virginia( it was 1:00 am when we arrived there so no picture). We tried three hotels before we finally found an extremely over priced, smokey inn that had room.

picture of girl, boy and girl sitting on couch smiling

As we continued our travels north our luck with places to stay got better. We had a very comfortable  stay the second and third nights with family in New Jersey.

Henry has been fortunate enough to have some pretty amazing mentors that have dramatically changed things for him. He told me he looks forward to each and every conversation and every moment he spends with them.

I do too. We are very lucky to have friends like these- kind, intelligent, funny, and beyond supportive .. just incredible humans.


You give me hope Tracy plan to for Tracy to come to Florida and help my school learn to type with me. thank you for giving so many people who are voiceless the courage to speak

Tracy Inclusion quote

Henry says his friends give him hope.

Hope that things are changing for people for people who do not speak, hope for kids that want to go to school with their neighbors, hope for all of us.

Boy sitting on edge of fountain

Henry’s right. Our friends give me that same hope. We will all be better off when our human family treats each member with respect and dignity.

Change is coming.